Your name or phrase written in Gallifreyan. Shows an example of Gallifreyan text on a space background.
Custom Gallifreyan Image File being used as a Facebook avatar.
Samples of names and short phrases in custom Gallifreyan.
A custom Gallifreyan sentence on a messenger bag, with the letters arranged in a line instead of inside a larger circle.
Custom Gallifreyan on a shirt.

Custom Gallifreyan Image File - SVG, PNG, JPG, or PDF digital file

Regular price ₴211.00
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Number of Characters

Have you ever wondered what your name would look like in Gallifreyan? We can digitize any name or phrase in Gallifreyan. You'll receive the digital SVG, PNG, JPG, or PDF file. If you would prefer an applique or embroidery file instead, please view the applique listing.

The Gallifreyan alphabet is not like a normal alphabet. Depending on what you're writing, each letter sort of takes a chunk out of another letter or out of the circle that the word is written in. Because of this, we cannot simply offer a font set. However, for only $1 per character (plus a flat $2 setup fee), we will create any name or phrase in Gallifreyan. (Minimum of 3 characters).

Depending on the number of characters and words and what format looks better, the phrase may either be set in a circular format or in a line. (See sample photos for examples of each layout style). If you have a strong preference for one over the other, please let us know in the purchase notes. Single words can only be done in circular style, but multiple words can be laid out in a line, with each word in its own circle.

You can also choose the color for the "text" as well as the background color. Space background is just for demonstrative purposes, your text can be on a plain color or transparent background.

You can then use it as an avatar, incorporate it into your own artwork or project, or whatever else you can think of.

Ordering Instructions

Please select the number of characters you will need. You will need one character for each letter of the word or phrase.

When checking out, enter the following information in the purchase notes: 

  • name and/or phrase desired
  • Gallifreyan text color
  • Background color (Please note that JPG files cannot have a transparent background.)
  • Size (default is 1000 x 1000 pixels)
  • File format needed. Options are - SVG, JPG, PNG, or PDF.

Be sure to allow one week processing time for us to create your design if you are working with a deadline. (If you need it sooner, please email to ask about a rush order.)

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